Iterating Maps in C++

Though I feel like it has become a bit of a niche language, I enjoy coding with C++. It was one of the earliest languages I learned while in grade school. In one of the projects I’m playing with now, I need to iterate though a map. I find the ways in which this has evolved over C++ versions to be interesting and wanted to show them for comparison. I’m using Visual C++ 2022 for my IDE. It supports up to C++ 20. Though it defaults to C++ 14.

Chaning the C++ Version

To try out the code that I’m showing here, you’ll need to know how to change the C++ version for your compiler. I’ll show how to do that with Visual C++. If you are using a different compiler, you’ll need to check your references. In a C++ project, right-click on the project from the Solutions Explorer and select “Properties.” From the tree of options on the left select Configuration Properties->C/C++->Language. On the right side, the option called C++ Language Standard will let you change the version. The options there at the time that I’m writing this are C++ 14 Standard, C++ 17 Standard, and C++ 20 Standard.

Examples on How to Iterate

A traditional way that you will see for iterating involves using the an iterator object for a map. If you look in existing C++ source code, you are likely to encounter this method since it has been available for a long time and is still supported in newer C++ versions. This follows the same pattern you will see for iterating through other Standard Template collections. Though its recognizable to those that use the Standard Template Library in general, it does use pointers which have some risks associated with them. Note that I am using the C++ 11 auto keyword for the compiler to infer the type and make this code more flexible.

for (auto map_iterator = shaderMap.being(); map_iterator != shaderMap.end(); map_iterator++)
     auto key = map_iterator->first;
     auto value = map_iterator->second;

A safer method would avoid the use of pointers all together. With this next version we get an object on which we can directly read the values. I use references to the item. In optimized compilers the reference ends up being purely notational and doesn’t result in an operation. I also think this looks cleaner than the previous example.

for(auto mapItem: shaderMap)
     auto& key = mapItem.first;
     auto& value = mapItem.second;

The last version that I’ll show works in C++ 17 and above. This makes use of structured bindings. In the for-loop declaration, we can name the fields that we wish to reference and have variables for accessing them. This is the method that I prefer. It generally looks cleaner.

for (auto const& [key, blob] : shaderMap)


Why not just show the “best” version?

Best is a bit subjective, and even then, it might not be available to every project. You might have a codebase that is using some other than the most recent version of the C++ language. Even if your environment does support changing the language, I wouldn’t select arbitrarily doing so. Though the language versions generally maintain backwards compatibility, changing the language is making a sweeping change where, for a complex project, could have unknown effects. If there is a productivity reason for making the change and the time/resources are available for fully testing the application, then proceeding might be worth considering for you. But I discourage giving into temptation to use the newest version only because it is newer.

Error Explanation: Microsoft C++ exception: Poco::NotFoundException

Working on a Direct3D 11 program, something wasn’t rendering correctly. I started to examine the debug output and came across some exceptions. These exceptions had nothing to do with my rendering error, but I wanted to know what was causing them.

Exception thrown at 0x00007FFE413FCF19 in D3DAppWindow.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Poco::NotFoundException at memory location 0x0000000B3B5E27C0.
Exception thrown at 0x00007FFE413FCF19 in D3DAppWindow.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Poco::NotFoundException at memory location 0x0000000B3B5E2800.

I traced this error back to my call to create a D3D11Device. To debug it any further, I’d have to start debugging code outside of what I wrote. The good news is if you are seeing this exception, it’s not your fault. You are likely using a NVIDIA video adapter. The bug is coming from it. The bad news is that there’s not anything that you can do about it at this moment. It’s up to NVIDIA to fix that. It may be helpful to provide information on which NVIDIA driver and OS version that you use on this NVIDIA thread.

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Shared Handles in C++ on Win32

Shared pointers are objects in C++ that manage pointers. As a pointer to an object is passed around, copied, or deleted a shared pointer keeps track of how many references there are to the object that it refers to. When all references to the object are destroyed or go out of scope, the shared pointer will delete the object and free its memory. This has the effect of smart pointers in C++ acting almost like a managed memory environment. The burden on the developer to managming emory is pleasantly diminished.

The standard template library offers, among others, the class std::shared_ptr for creating shared pointers. There are some other classes, such as std::unique_ptr with special behaviours (in this case, ensuring that only one reference to the object exists). std::shared_ptr also lets the developer specify a custom delete for the object; if there is some specific behaviour needed for when an object is being deallocated, this feature could be used to support that. These are the signatures for some of the constructors that allow custom deleters

template< class Y, class Deleter> shared_ptr( Y* ptr, Deleter d );
template< class Deleter> shared_ptr( std::nullptr_t ptr, Deleter d );
template< class Y, class Deleter, class Alloc > shared_ptr( Y* ptr, Deleter d, Alloc alloc );
template< class Deleter, class Alloc> shared_ptr( std::nullptr_t ptr, Deleter d, Alloc alloc );
template< class Y, class Deleter> shared_ptr( std::unique_ptr<Y, Deleter>&& r );

Structures like this are not limited to being used only for pointers. They can be used for other resources too. My interest was in using them to manage handles for Windows objects, specificly handles. Handles are values that identify a system resource, such as a file. Their value is not for a memory address, but is a generally opaque numeric identifier. Think of it as an ID number. When the object that a handle refers to is nolonger needed, it should be freed with a call to CloseHandle().

I was working with a program written in C/C++ for Windows and writing a function to load the contents of a file. This is the original function.

vector<unsigned char> LoadFileContents(std::wstring sourceFileName)
    vector<unsigned char> retVal;
    if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        DWORD fileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, NULL);

        DWORD bytesRead;
        HRESULT result = ReadFile(hFile,, fileSize, &bytesRead, FALSE);
    return retVal;

Well, that’s not actually the original. In the original, I forgot to make the call to CloseHandle(). Forgetting to do this could lead to resource leaks in the program or the file not being available for writing later because a read handle is still open. For my end goal, this won’t be the only file that I use, nor will files be the only type of handles. I wanted to manage these in a safer way. Here, I use the std::unique_ptr to manage handles. I’ll make a custom deleter that will close a handle.

My custom deleter is implemented as a functor. A functor is a type of object that can be used as a function. Often these are used in callback operations. Functors, unlike typical functions, can also have state. In C++ functors are generally constructed by defining the operator() for the object. operator() can take any number of arguments. For my purposes, it only needs one argument. That’s the HANDLE to be closed. A HANDLE can have two values that indicate it isn’t referencing a value object. There is a constant, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE (whose literal value is -1) and 0. To ensure CloseHandle() isn’t called on an invalid value, I need to check that the value passed is not either of these values and only call CloseHandle() if neither of these values was passed.

struct HANDLECloser
	void operator()(HANDLE handle) const
		if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && handle != 0)

Since there will only ever be one object accessing my file handles, I’ll be using std::unique_ptr for my file handles. With the above declaration I could begin using std::unique_ptr objects immediately.

auto myFileHandle = std::unique_ptr<void, HANDLECloser>(hFile);

That’s a lot to type though. In the interest of brevity, let’s make a declaration so that we can invoke that with less keystrokes.

using HANDLE_unique_ptr = std::unique_ptr<void, HANDLECloser);

With that in place, the previous call to initialize a unique pointer could be shortened to the following.

auto myFileHandle = HANDLE_unique_ptr(hFile);

That’s a bit more concise. Let’s add one more thing. Generally, I would be using this with the Win32 CreateFile function. Let’s make a CreateFileHandle() function that takes the same parameters as CreateFile but returns our std::unique_ptr for our file handle.

HANDLE_unique_ptr CreateFileHandle(std::wstring fileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile)
	HANDLE handle = CreateFile(fileName.c_str(), dwDesiredAccess, dwShareMode, lpSecurityAttributes, dwCreationDisposition, dwFlagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile);
	if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || handle == nullptr)
		return nullptr;
	return HANDLE_unique_ptr(handle);

Using these new classes that I’ve put in place,

vector<unsigned char> LoadFileContents(std::wstring sourceFileName)
    vector<unsigned char> retVal;
    auto hFile = CreateFileHandle(sourceFileName.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
    if (hFile)
        DWORD fileSize = GetFileSize(hFile.get(), NULL);
        DWORD bytesRead;
        HRESULT result = ReadFile(hFile.get(),, fileSize, &bytesRead, FALSE);    
    return retVal;

There are some other good bits of code in the project from which I took this code that I plan to share in the common weeks. Some parts are simple but useful, other parts are more complex. Come back in a couple of weeks for the next bit that I have to share.

Instagram: @j2inet
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