Introduction to Direct2D:Part 1

DirectX is a family of APIs that provide functionality related to multimedia. Some of the APIs are focused on sound, some on input, and some on graphics. Today I want to present on of the graphical APIS based on the Direct X Graphics Infrastructure (DXGI) known as Direct2D. The Direct2D API is for rendering graphics in 2D (as suggested by the name). The API takes advantage of the features in the graphics card for accelerating the rendering.

When working with Direct2D you don’t create the objects directly. Instead you will use a factory method that creates the objects and returns interfaces to the object or you will use those returned interfaces to requested additional objects. The interfaces returned by the Direct2D APIs are COM pointers. COM, or Component Object Model is an interface for making components that interact with each other. The standard has existed since 1993. Despite being 30 years old it is important to Windows and used more than one might think within .NET.  There are books that cover how COM works. Some of them are old, but don’t let that make you think that the book’s information isn’t relevant. A full discussion of COM is outside of the scope of this post.

To get an initialized window with which to work I’ll be using the sample Win32/C++ code that I presented in the post. See that post for more information about how the base window works. In my derived class I’ll begin initializing Direct2D specific objects.

Adding Update and Render Methods

The AppWindow sample implements a message pump that uses PeekMessage instead of GetMessage. This allows the application to do other things instead of halting when there are no messages to be processed. When there are no messages a method named Idle() is called. This method will be repurposed for adding an update/render loop.

There will be 4 methods added: Update(), OnUpdate(), Render(), and OnRender(). Both OnUpdate() and OnReader()  are virtual; these methods contain code that could be completely replaced or overridden if this code were re-purposed for another application.  The other two methods, Update and Render, contain code that needs to be called on every update cycle and rendering cycle that I would not want affected when derived applications are overriding the rendering or the updating. The Update method also is querying the performance timer to calculate the amount of time that has passed since the last update. This information could be used to know how far to move an object in a scene on the next frame update or to calculate the FPS.


Initializing D2D

You’ll see two variations of the D2D Interfaces. One version is prefixed with D2D1 (note the numeral 1 at the end). The D2D1 interface was released with Windows 8 and is the one that I’ll be using here.  There’s two interfaces that we need to initialized. ID2D1Factory, which will be the object from which we directly or indirectly make the other D2D1 objects, and ID2D1HwndRenderTarget, which is an interface that we use for painting our scene onto the window object created by the application base.  As we create objects something to keep in mind is two classifications into which DXGI objects can be classified (this isn’t limited to Direct2D, but applicable to other DirectX graphical APIs). An object could be a Device Dependent resource or a Device Independent Resource. What’s the difference?

Device Dependent and Device Independent Resources

Device in this context refers to the video rendering device. This will usually be the video card but in some scenarios could be a purse software device or even refer to a resource that is hosted on another computer. To keep things simple let’s just view Device as being synonymous with video card or video adapter. Some resources allocate resources on the device (video adapter). But these resources could be lost at any moment if the state of the device changes (changing the resolution of the device will do this) or if the device gets disconnected (yes, a video adapter could be disconnected while the program is still running). If this occurs then none of the device dependent resources is valid.

Device Independent Resources do not allocate resources on the video card. These resources use RAM allocated to the CPU and are not affected by changes int he display configuration.

When a device is lost all of the device dependent resources must be released and recreated. In some programs a valid and simple way to do this is to simply terminate the program and start a new instance of the program. While an easy solution the program will loose any context of what the user was doing unless the program also saves state and restores this context. For scenarios in which I’ve used this solution the access to the computer hardware was restricted making the loss of a device an extremely low frequency event (something that might happen once a day at 3am in the morning while automated maintenance is doing something to the computer).

Examples of objects that are device independent resources include the ID2D1Factory object that is used for creating the other objects, Geometry objects used for describing shapes (objects that implement the ID2D1Geometry interface), and stroke style objects (ID2D1StrokeStyle).

Examples of Device Dependent Resources include ID2D1Device (which refer to the device that itself was lost), brush resources (implement IBrush), and ID2D1Layer (for creating rendering layers).

Object Creation

When initializing my D2D objects I have two methods in which the initialization occurs. The method InitDeviceResources() initialized the deveice dependent resources. InitDeviceIndependentResources()  creates the other resources. During a program’s lifecycle InitDeviceIndependentResources() will only be called once. InitDeviceResources() will be called at least once but could be called many other times.  To ensure that these resources are released there’s an additional method, DiscardDeviceResources(), that releases all of the device dependent resources. Since the ComPtr type is being used setting the pointer to nullptr will result in the resources being released.


The call to AppWindow::Init() results in the creation of the window. The initial implementations for InitDeviceIndependentResources() and InitDeviceResources() will create the ID2D1Factory object and create a RenderTarget for rendering to the screen.


The InitDeviceIndependentResources will create the D2D1Factory(). The other resources will be created in InitDeviceResources() and cleared in DiscardResources();

Loosing the Device

During the render phase of the application the various calls made result in commands being queued to be executed on the video card to render our scene.  The commands are not executed until we end our drawing (which actually ends adding commands to the queue). If the connection to the device were lost when we end our drawing the function call to EndDraw() returns a value that can be examined to detect that the device has disconnected.  If the returned value is D2DERR_RECREATE_TARGET the resources must be reinitialized.



In DXGI applications  drawing is performed using render target objects. There are several types of render targets. We will be using an ID2D1RenderTarget in this sample application.  We have a render target that renders to the application window. Render targets could also render to off screen surfaces, textures, or remote machines.

In the previous code sample a render target was already being used to clear the application window and fill it with the color blue. The general usage pattern will look like the following.

ID2D1RenderTarget* myRenderTarget;
//call draw functions here

Let’s draw a square. There are three things that we need; a description of the square’s geometry, a brush to draw the square with, and a color to assign to the brush. If you’ve used Win32’s GDI (Graphical Device Interface) you’ve seen the term “Brush” used before in a similar sense. A Brush is a system resource that contains information on what color to use when drawing something. A brush could be for rendering a solid color or it could be used to use portions of a bitmap to fill a shape.

The struct D2D1_RECT_F is used to describe the square here (also available, D2D1_RECT_U and D2D1_RECT_L). This structure contains the elements left, top, right, and bottom. Any D2D1_RECT_F instances that are created reside within the CPU’s memory.  The color to be used with the brush is also assigned in a struct that only uses the CPUs memory. The type D2D1_COLOR_F  is used here, with the values red, green, blue, and alpha of type float.

For the brush there are GPU resources that will be consumed. It is a device dependent resource. We request that a brush be created and receive a pointer to its interface by calling ID2D1RenderTarget::CreateSolidColorBrush. The method arguments are the color that the brush should be and a pointer to the object that will receive the interface address.


To render the square the OnRender() method requires one or two additional calls. When rendering a geometry there are two types of methods available. One type will outline the geometry and the other is to fill the shape (which results in a solid shape). To render a geometry that has both a solid fill and an outline first use the fill method and then the draw method as I do below.


There are a number of other geometries that ID2D1RenderTarget supports; Ellipses, rectangles, rounded rectangles, text, and other constructed geometries.

Resizing the Window

The square renders, but if you resize the window you’ll see a problem. As the window is shrunk on one axis or the other the square will shrink on that axis; the square will become a rectangle with uneven sides. Fixing this is easy enough. The RenderTarget must be updated to reflect the new window size. Since this sample application is derived from the CppAppBase that I presented in a previous post there exist a resize method that can be overridden to to update the render target. ID2D1RenderTarget::Resize accepts a D2D1_SIZE_U struct and updates the render target size accordingly.

void D2D1AppWindow::OnResize(UINT width, UINT height)
	this->_size = D2D1_SIZE_U{ width, height };
	if (_pRenderTarget)

There is still an annoying behaviour. While the window is being resize the screen is blank. Part of the reason for this is that the rendering only occurs when there are no messages to process and resizing generates messages. One of the messages generated while resizing is a WM_PAINT message; this is telling the application to redraw itself. If we call OnRender() in response to a WM_PAINT message this will handle the screen updates while resizing. The AppWindow base class has an OnPaint() method that is called when a WM_PAINT message comes through. Overriding this method and adding a call to OnRender() results in a window that doesn’t go blank when resizing.

void D2D1AppWindow::OnPaint()

Rendering a Shape List

One could write code to individually render each one of the primitives needed to make up a more complex scene. For applications with complex scenes doing this is especially undesirable. Instead a better solution is have the primitives that must be called encoded within a file. If a change needs to be made to a scene the change would be made with the file instead of in code.

For the next sample I”m going to move halfway to such a solution. I’m making a list of primitives to be rendered and am populating the list from code. With a bit more work the data could be externalized. I’m using the list to start rebuilding an interface. I was playing a video game on my Nintendo Switch. The game had a screen that displayed between levels that shows how well someone did. I thought the interface was both simple and æsthetically pleasing.


Creating something similar to this is my goal. It is composed of several rectangles, a few concentric circles, and text. Were the interface all the same type of geometry elements this could be defined with a simple list of attributes about the rectangles. Since there is more than one type of geometry the list elements must identify a geometry type. I’ve made a struct that has a field that identifies the shape type (Rectangle or Ellipse for now),  identifies which of the colors in my 3 color palette that the item should be, and has the information for the shape itself. The rectangle data and ellipse data are in a union to minimize the amount of memory used for each item.

enum   PaletteIndex {
	Primary = 0,
	Secondary = 1,
	Background = 2

enum ShapeType {
	ShapeType_Rectangle = 0, 
	ShapeType_Ellipse = 1

struct ColoredShape
	static ColoredShape MakeEllipse(D2D1_ELLIPSE e, PaletteIndex p)
		ColoredShape c{ 0 };
		c.shapeType = ShapeType::ShapeType_Ellipse;
		c.ellipse = e;
		c.paletteIndex = p;
		return c;

	static ColoredShape MakeRectangle(D2D1_RECT_F r, PaletteIndex p)
		ColoredShape c{ 0 };
		c.shapeType = ShapeType::ShapeType_Rectangle;
		c.rect = r;
		c.paletteIndex = p;
		return c;

	union  {
		D2D1_ELLIPSE ellipse;
		D2D1_RECT_F rect;
	ShapeType shapeType;
	PaletteIndex paletteIndex;

The factory methods make it easier to initialize instances of the value. I’ve got a vector that holds these structs. It is populated with the data for each rectangle and ellipse to be rendered. The items will be rendered in the same order that they show in the list. If two items overlap the latter of the items to be rendered will be on top.

void D2D1AppWindow::InitDeviceIndependentResources()
	_primaryColor = D2D1::ColorF(0.7843F, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
	_secondaryColor = D2D1::ColorF(0.09411, 0.09411, 0.08593, 1.0);
	_backgroundColor = D2D1::ColorF(0.91014, 0.847655, 0.75f, 1.0);
	_mySquare = { 20, 20, 30, 30 };

	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({0,0,456,104 }, Primary));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 0,128,456,550 }, Primary ));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 488,0,508,110 }, Secondary ));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 488,40,900,115 }, Secondary ));

	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 530,130,850,180 }, Secondary));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 690,130,850,180 }, Primary));

	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 530,190,850,240 }, Secondary));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 690,190,850,240 }, Primary));

	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 530,250,850,300 }, Secondary));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 690,250,850,300 }, Primary));

	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 0,350,600,450 }, Secondary ));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 0,350,600,450 }, Secondary));

	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeEllipse({ 570,400,60, 60 }, Secondary));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeEllipse({ 570,400,57, 57 }, Background));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeEllipse({ 570,400,55, 55 }, Secondary));
	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeEllipse({ 570,400,52, 52 }, Background));

	_shapeList.push_back(ColoredShape::MakeRectangle({ 476,470,870, 550 }, Secondary));

In the OnRender() method this list is iterated and each element is drawn.

void D2D1AppWindow::OnRender()
	if (!_pRenderTarget)
	_pRenderTarget->FillRectangle(&_mySquare, _pPrimaryBrush.Get());
	_pRenderTarget->DrawRectangle(&_mySquare, _pSecondaryBrush.Get());

	for (auto current = _shapeList.begin(); current != _shapeList.end(); ++current)
		ComPtr brush;
		switch (current->paletteIndex)
		case Primary: brush = _pPrimaryBrush; break;
		case Secondary: brush = _pSecondaryBrush; break;
		case Background: brush = _pBackgroundBrush; break;
		default: brush = _pPrimaryBrush;
		switch (current->shapeType)
		case ShapeType::ShapeType_Rectangle:_pRenderTarget->FillRectangle(&current->rect, brush.Get()); break;
		case ShapeType::ShapeType_Ellipse:_pRenderTarget->FillEllipse(&current->ellipse, brush.Get()); break;
	hr = _pRenderTarget->EndDraw();
		// The surface has been lost. We need to recreate our
		// device dependent resources. 

Running the program gives me something that looks like it was inspired by the video game interface.


There are similarities, but there are also plenty of differences. Aside from the missing text in the video game interface the text is rotated slightly. With the way rectangles are defined now there’s no apparent way to render a rectangle that isn’t aligned with the X or Y axis. To move forward we need to know how we can apply transformations to the rendering and how to render text. I’ll continue there in the next part of this series.

The complete source code for the program can be found on github.


Win32/C++ Application Base


Win32 is necessary for development in many current technologies.  Some of my current projects utilize Win32/C++ applications.  Many of them use a similar pattern for starting the application.  Initializing the window that hosts these applications is not particularly interesting, but it is a foundation block for some of my applications that I will share in the future.

In Win32 UI programs there will be at least one function defined that is known as being of type WNDPROC.  A WNDPROC is a callback function.  It is the primary function through which Windows will communicate to an application various events.  When a user moves their mouse over an application WNDPROC is called.  When the user presses a key WNDPROC is called.  When an application is being notified to render its UI again WNDPROC is called.  The call signature for WNDPROC is shown below.

  _In_ HWND   hwnd,
  _In_ UINT   uMsg,
  _In_ WPARAM wParam,
  _In_ LPARAM lParam

The first argument in this function is a handle to the window that is the intended recipient of the message.  An application could have more than one window.  But an application with only one window will have the same value.  The second argument is a numerical value that identifies the event or message being sent.  The constants that define possible vales generally are prefixed by WM_ (meaning Windows Message).  Examples of such values include: WM_COMMAND, which is generally the result of a button being clicked; WM_PAINT, which tells the application to redraw its UI; WM_SIZE, meaning that the window has been resized; and WM_CLOSE, meaning that there was a request to close the window.

Because of the central position that the WNDPROC function plays in receiving notifications from the operating system, if all responses to the operating system were handled here the function would quickly grow big.  I have seen this done, and it can get to be a nightmare on shared projects.  One way to deal with this is to have the WNDPROC function act only as a method that routes these incoming messages to other functions that handle the method.  A simple way to implement this is with a switch statement where each case does a minimal amount of work before passing the message on to a function specifically made to handle the message.

That is the solution used in the projects I plan to share in the future.  I created an abstract base class named AppWindow that creates an application window; has a few methods for handling certain Windows messages; and has case statements for calling those methods in response to a Windows message.

Windows communicates these messages to an application through a message queue.  An application must retrieve the next message to begin processing it.  If an application does not retrieve any messages for a certain period of time, then Windows assumes the application is locked up or busy and may give you a prompt to either terminate or wait for the program.  To keep messages going through the queue an application must implement a message pump.  In a simple implementation of a message pump two functions are called in a loop.  GetMessage which receives a MSG struct containing the information on a message and DispatchMessage to have the message handed off to the application’s WNDPROC for processing. 

If there are no messages available, calling GetMessage will result in the application waiting until there is a message.  During this wait, the main thread of an application will not use any CPU bandwidth.  In some applications, such as games or other applications that are continuously performing UI updates, using GetMessage is undesirable since it can cause the UI thread to wait.  In such applications, PeekMessage can be used instead. With PeekMessage, unlike GetMessage, if there are no messages available PeekMessage will not block.  Its return value indicates whether or not a new message was available.  If there are no messages to be processed the application can perform other tasks.

An application may modify a message within the time that it was retrieved with PeekMessage or GetMessage and when it is passed off through DispatchMessage.  You will see the use of a method named TranslateMessage which despite its name, does not perform the modification of any messages.  Instead, it creates new messages in response to certain virtual key messages and adds these to the message queue.  For the programs that I present, the specifics of what it does are not important and I will not be modifying any messages in the message pump.

I do not use any of the traditional Win32 UI elements in the programs that I will be sharing (buttons, labels, text boxes, list boxes, etc.) but those elements could easily be created within the application.  If I were making a framework for such controls, I would probably make classes for each one.  My base class does have a CreateButton and CreateLabel method that are used for debug purposes.

The AppWindow.h file

This class is abstract and cannot be directly initialized.  So, there first must be a derived class.  The only methods that the derived class must absolutely implement are the constructor and the method GetWindowsClassName().  The constructor must accept a HINSTANCE argument and pass it to the AppWindow base class constructor. GetWindowClassName() must return a unique string.  This string is going to be used for registering the window class.

Full implementation of a derived window

To make an application that runs, all that is left to do is create a derived application window, call its Init() method (which is where it actually creates its Window) and call its message pump.


Running the application will result in a window showing a label and a button.  It does not do anything yet, which is what is desired.  The code samples to be posted in the future, require that there be an initialized window (which this provides).  The entirety of the code can be found on GitHub.

Relevant Github Commit

Latest Version

HRESULT and COM Exceptions

I have some posts queued that make use of the C++ exception classes that have been useful in my previous projects.  These classes were primarily used for logging. COM calls which return an HRESULT indicating the success or failure of the call.  These return values should be examined and action should be taken if there is a failure.  What type of action to take will depend on the scenario.  In some cases an application may fallback on alternative functionality.  In other cases the failure may be irrecoverable.  The worst thing to do is nothing at all.  An early failure could result in a problem that is not realized until later and require a painful debugging experience.

For the sample code that I share here, I will not implement full error handling to avoid distraction.  But to avoid undetected failures, I do not want to leave the values untouched.  In the sample code I will use an inline function named TOF (Throw On Failure).  TOF will throw an exception if there is a failed return value.  In most of the sample code presented here, the exception will not be caught.  When the exception is not caught, the program is designed to terminate.  The TOF function itself will return the HRESULT if successful.  The HRESULT is still available for further examination if needed.

The exception classes and the TOF function can be found on Github.