Conferences and a Hearings, Sept-Oct 2021

During the month of October, there are a couple of developer conferences happening. Samsung is resuming what had been their regular Developers conference (there wasn’t one in 2020, for obvious reasons). Like so many other conferences, this one is going to be online on 26 October. Details of what will be in it haven’t been shared yet, but I noticed a few things from the iconography of their promotional video.

he Tizen logo is present, specifically on a representation of a TV. It looks that Samsung has abandoned the Tizen OS for anything else. They generally don’t make an announcement that they are sunsetting a technology and instead opt to quietly let it disappear. A few months ago Google made the ambiguous announcement that Samsung and Google were combining their wearable operating systems into a single platform while not directly saying that Tizen was going away. Just before the release of the Gear 4 watch (which runs Android Wear, not Tizen) Samsung made an announcement that they were still supporting Tizen. But with no new products on the horizon and the reduction in support in the store, this looks more like a phased product sunset.

Some of the other products suggested by the imagery include wearables, Smart Things (home automation), Bixby (voice assistant) and Samsung Health.

October 12-14, Google is hosting their Cloud Next conference. Registration for this conference is open now, and available at no cost. Google has made the session catalog available. The session categories include AI/Machine Learning, Application Development, Security, and more.

Sessions available at

And last, if you have an interest in the USA’s developing responses to technology issues, this Thursday the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is holding a hearing with Facebook’s head of safety over some recent reports published by the Wall Street Journal about the impact of it’s apps on younger audiences. The hearing (with live stream) will be Thursday, September 30, 2021 at 10:30am EDT. The livestream will be available at

Twitter: @j2inet
Instagram: @j2inet
Facebook: j2inet
YouTube: j2inet

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Sharing Resources With Your Chromebook Linux Container

If you have installed Linux on your Chromebook, you may have noticed that the file system as viewed from the files application on your Chromebook and the file system in the Linux terminal do not look alike. This is because Linux is running within a container. There are two ways to share files between your Chromebook and the Linux container.

If you open the Files application on your Chromebook, you will see an area called Linux Files. This lets you get access to files in your Linux home directory and read them from Linux doesn’t have immediate access to the files on the Chromebook. To access these, you need to explicitly share the folder with Linux. From the Files application find the folder that you want to share. Right-click on it and select “Share with Linux.” From within Linux if you navigate to the path /mnt/chromeos you will see sub-folders that are mount-points for each of the folders from Chrome that you’ve shared.

You can also share USB drives with Linux. By default, they are not available. If you open Settings and look for “Manage USB Devices” the USB drives that are connected to your machine will be listed. You can select a drive to share with Linux from there. Note that when you disconnect the drive, the next time that it is reconnected it will not automatically be shared.

The Linux container’s ports are also not exposed to your network by default. For the ports to be visible to other devices on your network, you must explicitly share them. Under settings if you look for “Port Forwarding” you will be taken to an interface where you can specify the ports that will be exposed. Note that you can only add ports in the range of 1024 to 65,535.

Hosting a Website from Home on the Pi

Under many cases, one can easily host a website from home. There are a few technical requirements that must be satisfied. But provided that they can be satisfied, making a site available on the Internet from one’s home connection isn’t hard. That said, there are some reasons one might not want to do this, such as exposing their home IP Address, or any security flaws in their at-home web server making other devices on their network vulnerable if the web server has a security flaw. There are a few ways that this can be mitigated, including ensuring that the latest security updates are installed and not exposing unnecessary services to the Internet.

Before getting started, you will want to know whether your IP address is public or behind a network address translator. This is like the difference in having your own phone number or being in a phone pool in which all of the phones are identified by the same phone number. The easiest way to figure this out is to perform a Google Search on “What is my IP address” and compare that address to the one that is reported by your router. If those addresses are the same, congrats! You’ve got a public address. If they are not the same, then your network is behind a shared IP address. Solutions for hosting in this scenario involve having traffic routed from another computer that has a public address to one’s home address. That’s out of scope of what I am trying to do here.

If you have a public IP address, you will need access to your router settings. By default, routers will not direct incoming requests to devices on your network unless they are configured to do so. The exact interface used for applying these settings are manufacturer dependent. I’ll be showing the process on an ASUS router. If you are using a different router (or even another ASUS router) the interface will look different, but the concept is the same.

For a web server, I’m going to use a Raspberry Pi. The Pi doesn’t use a lot of energy or space. I can leave it on 24-7 in a place that is out of the way. Many of the same solutions for making web applications on the desktop also run on the Raspberry Pi. I’ll be using .Net Core. But someone could also use Node or a number of other solutions. I already have the .Net Core framework and SDK installed on my Raspberry Pi. I’ll just create a default website, as I’m not concerned with the content in it for not. To do this, I made a new folder that will contain the web site and used the following command.

dotnet new web

A few moments later, the Raspberry Pi has a “Hello World!” website build. To run it, use the following command.

dotnet run

The console will output the URL to the site. It will look something like http://localhost:5000. If you open a browser on the Pi to this URL you should see the text “Hello World” render. If you use the Pi’s IP address and try this from another computer on the network, it is going to fail. But why?

By default, the website is only binding to the loopback IP address ( or ::1). The site is only visible from within the computer. To change this, we could either have the site bind to a specific IP address (the Pi could have several IP addresses) or we could tell the site to bind to all network adapters on the computer. For .Net Core, we can change the address and port that the site binds to by editing Properties/launchSettings.json. Close to the bottom of the file is a setting named applicationUrl. It has a list of IP address/port combinations separated by semicolons (;). Add to this list the value http://*:5000 (feel free to use a different port number).

    "staticwebsite": {
      "commandName": "Project",
      "dotnetRunMessages": "true",
      "launchBrowser": true,
      "applicationUrl": "https://localhost:5001;http://localhost:5000;http://*:5000",
      "environmentVariables": {
        "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT": "Development"

Now if you return to the other computer and navigate, in your browser, to http://<ip address>:5000 you will see the text “Hello World. The site is not visible to other computers on your network. But what about other computers on the Internet? This is where you will need to look at your router settings.

Your home router’s ip address will usually be the same as what the computer reports as its gateway address. Depending on your operating system, you can see your computer’s network settings by opening a terminal and using the command ipconfig (Windows) or by using the command ip r (linux). Example output of both commands follow.

PS C:\Users\SomeUser> ipconfig

Windows IP Configuration

Ethernet adapter Ethernet:

   Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :

Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:

   Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
   Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::e055:c0d4:65ac:49d1%3
   IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
   Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
   Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ip r
default via dev wlan0 proto dhcp src metric 304 dev wlan0 proto dhcp scope link src metric 304

Type this IP address into your browser. You will need to know the user ID and password to your router, as it will likely ask you for them. Within your router, you will want to find the port forwarding settings. On my Asus Router, I can get to this page by selecting “Wan” and then selecting the “Virtual Server/Port Forwarding” tab. My router gives me a warning that ports 80 (usually used for HTTP) and ports 20 and 21 (used for FTP) are already used by the router for some services that it provides. I don’t actually have these services turned on, thus I wouldn’t run into conflicts. Nevertheless, I will use a different port.

Asus Router Port Forwarding Page

Let’s say that I want the world to access my site through port 8081. You may recall that my Pi was hosting its site on port 5000. It is not necessary for the ports to be the same. In my interface there is a switch to enable port forwarding.Clicking on “Add Profile” will create a new entry. For this entry, I need to specify this forwarding is for TCP traffic coming in on external port 80. That traffic should be forwarded to port 5000 on the address of my Raspberry Pi, which is

Port Forwarding Settings

After saving these settings, I turned off WiFi on my phone (to ensure it was not on the same network) and typed my home network’s IP address into my browser. I see the “Hello World” page. Great! But there is an issue here. I’m going to find it hard to remember my IP address. Also, my IP address changes every so often. Even if I keep track of it, it could change without notice. The solution to this is to use a Dynamic DNS. The router I’m using comes with this service built in. There are also options for networks where the router does not have this option.

On this Asus router, the option is under the Wan settings under a tab named DDNS. To enable the feature, I can set the option Enable the DDNS Client to Yes and select which DDNS service I want to use. If I use the default, the only setting I need to enter is the name that will be used as a portion of the domain.

Supported DDNS services for the Asus Router

For the other services, you will require additional information. I’ve used NO-IP before. I’ll use that one. Before using this service, you will want to visit and create a free account. After signing in, you can set your DDNS host names. You can have up to three domains setup on the free account. When setting this up, note that the IPv4 address defaults to that of the device from which this hostname is created.

DDNS Setup Screen

The actual domain used will be the concatenation of what is entered in the Hostname setting, followed by a period, followed by the domain selected from the drop down. Once you’ve saved this information, return to your router DDNS settings. Enter the complete host name, your NO-IP username, and password. After selecting “Apply” you should see a notification that the settings were successfully applied. Now, when you, or anyone else enter that domain name, your site will come up.

If your router doesn’t support a DDNS client, then you can build a DDNS updater on your Raspberry Pi. On your Pi, make a folder for the Dynamic Update Clienc (DUC). Enter that folder from a terminal and download and unpackage and build the DUC with the following commands.

tar vzxf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz
cd noip-2.1.9-1/
sudo make
sudo make install

The last command, sudo make install, will ask for your NO-IP account information. You will also be asked for an update interval (in minutes). Accept the default of 30 minutes. From hereon, the Raspberry Pi will update the DDNS.

Twitter: @j2inet
Instagram: @j2inet
Facebook: j2inet
YouTube: j2inet

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