Using an iPhone as a Beacon

As with any project, I had a list of milestones and dates on which I expected to hit them leading up to project completion. One of the elements for the project was an application that needed to detect its proximity to other devices to select a device for interaction. I planned to use iBeacons for this, and had a delivery date on some beacons for development. The delivery date came, a box with the matching tracking number came, but there were no iBeacons inside. Instead, there was a phone case. This isn’t the first time I have ordered one item and Amazon has sent me another. I went online and filled out a form to have the order corrected. They stated I would have the item in another 5 days. In the mean time, I didn’t want to let progress slip. I’ve heard several times “You can use an iPhone as an iBeacon.” I now had motivation to look into this. You can in fact use a phone as an iBeacon. But you have to write an application yourself to use it this way.

When I took a quick look in the App store, I couldn’t find an app for this purpose. So I decided to make an application myself. It isn’t hard. In my case, I’m emulating an iBeacon as a stand-in for actual hardware. But there are other reasons you might want to do this. For example, if I were using an iPad as a display showing more information on an exhibit users browsing the exhibit could interact with the content on the display using their own phone. The iBeacon signal could be used so that the user’s phone knows which display it is close to, allowing them to trigger interactions from their own phone (a valuable method of interaction given the higher concerns on hygiene and concerns over shared touch surfaces).

Beacons are uniquely identified by three pieces of data; the UUID, Major number, and Minor number. A UUID, or Universally Unique ID, is usually shared among a group of iBeacons that are associated with the same entity. The usage of the Major and Minor numbers is up to the entity. Usually the Major will be used to group related iBeacons together with the Minor number being used as a unique ID within the the set. I’ll talk more about these numbers in another post.

For my iPhone application, I have created a few variables to hold the simulated Beacon’s identifiers. I also have a variable to track whether the iBeacon is active, and have defined a Zero UUID to represent a UUID that has not been assigned a value.

class BeaconManager {
    var objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
    let ZeroUUID = UUID.init(uuidString: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")
    var BeaconUUID = UUID(uuidString: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000") {
        didSet { updateUI() }
    var Major:UInt16 = 100 {
        didSet { updateUI() }
    var Minor:UInt16 = 2 {
        didSet { updateUI() }
    var IsActive:Bool = false {
        didSet { updateUI() }

I am going to use Swift UI for displaying information. That is why setting these variables also triggers a call to updateUI(). There are some callbacks that are made by Apple’s iBeacon API. For these, I’ll need to also need to implement the CBPeripheralManagerDelegate. This protocol is defined in CoreBluetooth. We also need permission for the device to advertise its presence over Bluetooth. permission. Bluetooth is often used for indoor location (which will be my ultimate intention). Let’s get all these other things in place. The necessary import statements and inheritance will look like the following.

import Foundation
import CoreLocation
import CoreBluetooth
import Combine

class BeaconManager: NSObject, CBPeripheralManagerDelegate, Identifiable, ObservableObject {

For the Bluetooth permission that the application needs, a new String value must be added to the Info.plist. The item’s key is NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription. The value should be a text description that will be presented to the user letting them know why the application is requesting Bluetooth permissions.

I want the simulated iBeacon to have the same value every time the application runs. At runtime, the application is going to check whether there is a UUID already saved in the settings. If there is not one, then it will generate a new UUID and save it to the settings. From then on, it will always use the same ID. I do the same thing with the Major and Minor numbers using the UInt16.random(in:) function. This information together is used for create a CLBeaconRegion.

    func createBeaconRegion() -> CLBeaconRegion {
        let settings = UserDefaults.standard
        if let savedUUID = settings.string(forKey: BEACON_UUID_KEY) {
            if let tempBeaconUUID = UUID(uuidString: savedUUID) {
                BeaconUUID = tempBeaconUUID
        if(BeaconUUID == nil){
            BeaconUUID = UUID()
            settings.setValue(BeaconUUID!.uuidString, forKey: BEACON_UUID_KEY)
        let majorValue = settings.integer(forKey: BEACON_MAJOR_KEY) ?? 0
        if(majorValue == 0) {
            Major = UInt16.random(in: 1...65535)
            settings.setValue(Major, forKey: BEACON_MAJOR_KEY)
        let minorValue = settings.integer(forKey: BEACON_MINOR_KEY) ?? 0
        if(minorValue == 0) {
            Minor = UInt16.random(in: 1...65535)
            settings.setValue(Minor, forKey: BEACON_MINOR_KEY)
        let major:CLBeaconMajorValue = Major
        let minor:CLBeaconMinorValue = Minor
        let beaconID =  "net.domain.application"
        return CLBeaconRegion(proximityUUID:BeaconUUID!, major: major, minor: minor, identifier: beaconID)

When I first tried to use the CLBeaconRegion it failed, and I was confused. After a bit more reading, I found out why. The Bluetooth radio can take a moment to initialize into the mode that the code needs it for. Trying to use it too soon can result in failure. To fix this, wait for a callback to CBPeripheralManagerDelegate::peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral:CBPeripheralManager).In the handler for this callback, check if the .state of the peripheral variable .poweredOn. If it is, then we can start using our CLBeaconRegion. We can call startAdvertising on the CBPeripheralManager object to make the iBeacon visible. When we want the phone to no longer act as an iBeacon, we can call the stopAdvertising. Note that the device will only continue to transmit while the application has focus. If the application gets pushed to the background, the phone sill stop presenting as an iBeacon.

    func peripheralManagerDidUpdateState(_ peripheral: CBPeripheralManager) {
        if(peripheral.state == .poweredOn) {
            let  beaconRegion = createBeaconRegion()
            let peripheralData = beaconRegion.peripheralData(withMeasuredPower: nil)
            peripheral.startAdvertising(((peripheralData as NSDictionary)as! [String:Any]))
            IsActive = true

    func start() {
        if(!IsActive) {
            peripheral = CBPeripheralManager(delegate:self, queue:nil)
    func stop() {
        if(IsActive) {
            if (peripheral != nil){
            IsActive = false

The code for the class I used for simulating the iBeacon follows. For the simplest use case, just instantiate the class and call the start() method. Provided the Info.plist has been populated with a value for NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription and the user has granted permission, it should just work. In the next post, lets look at how to detect iBeacons with an iOS application. The next application isn’t limited to only detecting iPhones acting as iBeacons. It will work with real iBeacons too. As of now I have gotten my hands on a physical iBeacon compatible transmitter. While any iBeacon transmitter should work, if you would like to follow along with the same iBeacon that I am using, you can purchase the following from Amazon (affiliate link).

Posts may contain products with affiliate links. When you make purchases using these links, we receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support.

Twitter: @j2inet
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High Resolution Video Capture on the Raspberry Pi

I’ve previously talked about video capture on the Raspberry Pi using an HDMI device that interfaced with the camera connector. Today I’m looking at using USB capture devices. USB capture devices often present as web cams. The usual software and techniques that you may use with a webcam should generally work here.

The two devices that I have are the Elgato CamLink 4K and the Atmos Connect. Despite the name, the CamLink 4K does not presently work in 4K mode for me on the Pi. (I’m not sure that the pi would be able to handle that even if it did). I am using a Raspberry Pi 4. I got better results with the Atmos Connect; it is able to send the Pi pre-compressed video so that the pi didn’t have to compress it.

Hardware setup is simple. I connected the USB capture device to the pi and connected an HDMI source to the capture device. If you want to be able to monitor the video while it is captured you will also need an HDMI splitter; the Pi does not show video while it is being captured. Most of what needs to be done will be in the Raspberry Pi terminal.

If you want to ensure that your capture device was detected you can use the lsusb command. This command lists all the hardware detected on the USB port. If you can’t recognize a device there, using it, disconnecting a device, using it again, and noting the difference will let you know identify a line in the output to an item of hardware. Trying first with the Elgato CamLink, my device was easily identified. There was an item labeled as Elgato Systems GmbH.

I’ve not been able to make the devices work with raspistill or raspivid, but it works with ffmpeg and video for linux (v4l-utils). To install Video 4 Linux, use the following command.

sudo apt install v4l-utils

Once Video 4 Linux is installed, you can list the devices that it detects and the device file names.

v4l2-ctl --list-devices

In addition to hardware encoders, I get the following in my output.

Cam Link 4K: Cam Link 4K (usb-0000:01:00.0-2):

The device name of interest is the first, /dev/video0. Using that file name, we can check what resolutions that it supports with ffmpeg.

$ ffmpeg -f v4l2 -list_formats all -i /dev/video0

[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0xcca1c0] Raw     :    yuyv422:      YUYV 4:2:2 : 1920x1080
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0xcca1c0] Raw     :       nv12:      YUYV 4:2:2 : 1920x1080
[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0xcca1c0] Raw     :   yuyv420p:      YUYV 4:2:0 : 1920x1080

For this device, the only resolution supported in 1920×1080. I have three options for my format, yuyv422m nv12, and yuyv420p. Before we start recording, let’s view the input. With the following command, we can have ffmpeg read from our video capture device and display the HDMI video stream on the screen.

ffplay -f v4l2 -input_format nv12 -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 30 -i /dev/video0

In your case, the format (nv12), resolution, and hardware file name may need to be different. If all goes well after running that command, you will see the video stream. Let’s have the video dump to a file now.

ffmpeg -f v4l2 -thread_queue_size 1024 -input_format nv12 -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 30 -i /dev/video0 -f pulse -thread_queue_size 1024 -i default -codec copy output.avi

This command will send the recorded data to an AVI file. AVI is one of the envelope formats in which audio, video, and other data can be packaged together. You will probably want to convert this to a more portable format. We can also use ffmpeg to convert the output file from AVI to MP4. I’m going to use H264 for video encoding and AAC for audio encoding.

ffmpeg -i output.avi  -vcodec libx264 -acodec aac -b:v 2000k -pix_fmt yuv420p output.mp4

You can find an audio entry on this blog post on Spotify!

Those of you that follow me on Instagram, you may have seen a picture of the equipment that I use to record the video walkthrough of how to do this. A list of those items used is below. Note that these are Amazon Affiliate links.

BlackMagic Designs ATEM
Mini Pro
Mini Pro Iso