Installing Visual Studio Code on Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson

While it is possible to run Visual Studio Code on a Raspberry Pi or a NVIDIA Jetson, the process previously had a few challenges. With one method, a user could grab the code from Microsoft and compile it for their device. This was time consuming and required that a person perform some steps to be set up for development. An easier method involved acquiring a build from a third party source. The issue there is the user must trust the third party source. Now these are no longer issues because Microsoft provides ARM binaries for Visual Studio Code. The installation can be done on both devices with the same steps.

To install VS code, navigate to and click on the Learn More link on the Visual Studio Code box. From there, if you click on Other Platforms you will see all of the downloads that are available for Visual Studio Code. For the Jetson series of hardware you will want to download the ARM64 deb installer. For Raspberry Pi, if you are using the a 64-bit OS installation grab an ARM64 build. Otherwise grab the ARM build.

After the build has downloaded, open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you saved the ARM file. From the terminal type the following command.

sudo dpkg -i name_of_file.deb

An actual file name should replace name_of_file.deb. After a minute or two the installation completes. You can start VS Code from the command line by typing the command code and pressing Enter. You can also find it within your program files. Videos of the installation are available below.

Video of Installation for Raspberry Pi
Video of Installation for NVIDIA Jetson

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Tip: Installing CUDA SDK on Visual Studio 2019

If you try to install the nVidia CUDA SDK and plan to use Visual Studio 2019 there’s an additional manual step that you’ll need to take. The installer available for the current version of CUDA (10.1) doesn’t specifically target the recently released Visual Studio 2019, but it will mostly work with it. I say “mostly” because after installing it you’ll find that the CUDA related project templates are missing and you can’t open the sample projects.

Fixing this is as simple as copying a few files.  Copying everything from the following folder

C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\extras\visual_studio_integration\MSBuildExtensions

Place it into this folder

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations

You may have to reply to administrative prompts. But once those files are copied you should have access to the project templates and the samples.